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What is the TSX 60 Index?

The TSX 60 is an index for 60 stocks of companies with the highest market capitalization on the Toronto Stock Exchange. As it captures the largest companies listed in the country, the TSX 60 serves as the benchmark stock market index for Canada.

How many companies are listed on the TSX?

How Many Companies Are Listed On The Tsx? Index membership comprises roughly 250 publicly traded companies including roughly 70% of all the market capitalization on Canada’s leading stock exchange, the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX). Toronto Stock Exchange consists of over 1500 companies.

What are the six companies?

The companies included Morrison Knudsen Company of Idaho, Utah Construction Company, J.F. Shea Company and Pacific Bridge Company of Portland, Oregon, MacDonald and Kahn and W.A. Bechtel Company of San Francisco. The combination became known as Six Companies even though more than six companies were actually involved in the project.

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